Let's Work Together
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller. We collaborate with local communities, governments, corporate organizations, and civil society organizations to create sustainable change. We believe that by working together, we can create innovative solutions to compliment our work towards ending poverty.
World Inspiring Network partners with the communities, with each community committing up to 20% of the cost of each project through labor, materials, and many others. We also work with local leadership to ensure that our projects meet the needs of the community and are not simply imported solutions.
We work closely with governments to identify communities that align best with World Inspiring Network’s program in rural areas in Ghana. This approach helps to ensure the sustainability of our programs and to strengthen our work as we keep our government partners informed of WIN’s growing impact.
We work with nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, and civil societies that believe in our work. Our partnerships create opportunities for us to collaborate on shared goals, find innovative solutions to poverty, and have a greater impact in the communities we serve.
Apply As a Partner
Fill the partnership application form so we see how best we can work together to enable us impact more lives in Ghana.